LOVE this family!! Super sweet and happiness just exudes out of them! So happy for you!! I will now be offering a few mini sessions through Facebook through out the year, if you are one of the lucky ones to get a spot as I expect those to fill up fast like in the past. […]
Can you tell, he wants to roam around, constantly on the go! But I got him, even if it were only for a minute! Love these guys! I enjoy seeing them and watching the little boys growing up is a real treat! I’m on Instagram now!! I got to be honest, I love Instagram, why didn’t I join […]
While out walking the streets of Oia Santorini island of Greece! Yes, the gorgeous, stunning most beautiful islands of the world – Greece! I WANT TO GO BACK!! It was absolutely breathtaking views and of course the people. I miss my relatives in the northern parts of Greece! We were blessed with the opportunity to […]